Time With a Leader is a Perk: How Are You Handing Your Out?
If you are a leader, you are probably spending your days lurching from crisis to crisis, trying to put out fires before they burn down the house. Your time is at a premium; spending time with your troops is always on your list, but frequently ends up last.
If you are a staffer, you probably want more time with your boss for coaching, mentoring, or just a drink outside the office so that you can really get to know him or her. You would like more time, but you are not sure how to get it and you hesitate to ask for more.
“If you want to keep your staff, prioritize one-on-one coaching and mentoring.”
When I coach leaders, they usually don’t think of one-on-one time with their direct reports as a perk, and many times, they don’t want to spend more time with them because they fear a new barrage of problems or they just want to go home early and spend time with their family.
As one CEO I coach said: “I rated low on my 360 from my staff because they want more time with me. The problem is: I don’t want more time with them. They think I’m the Dad! I want them to solve their own problems.”
What Should You Do?
If you are a leader, consider the following:
Leaders – do you spend enough coaching time with your staff?
Staff – Do you receive the time you need from your boss?
Let us know what you think?
Did You Know
We cover coaching and mentoring in all our management and leadership classes.
Call or write me to discuss your options at: 303-216-1020 or Lynne@workplacesthatwork.com
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Be sure to read Lynne’s book “We Need to Talk” – Tough Conversations with Your Employee