Effective Communication or Harassment: What’s the Difference? Where’s the Line?

Many times prospective clients will tell us that they find the line between harassment and other types of communication confusing, repeating tropes that harassment is in the “eye of the beholder” or that there are a lot of “gray areas.” In fact, as participants in our sessions know, there are clear lines defining what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable in the workplace.
Why We’re Confused: Why are leaders confused about the lines? In my experience, it’s because they haven’t differentiated between communication that’s clearly a problem under the law, words that violate your internal policies, and statements that are simply clashes of values. In fact, the most effective workplace communication tracks with all three levels.
The Values Vacuum: In organizations with strong values, these internal conflicts can be more easily resolved. If you’ve done the work to define what makes your organization work in terms of values such as respect, efficiency and a goals-focused culture, most communication issues fade away. Your staff will be too focused and energized to spend time communicating in a way that harms the organization’s vision.
What Should You Do?
Take Time To Agree on and Practice Values: Of course, we’ve all seen places where values statements are plastered on the walls but have nothing to do with the way a group really operates. Make sure that values are actually lived and inculcated, not simply wooden ideals. Values should include communication values.
Educate on Effective Communication: Communication that crosses the line into harassment that violates the law or your policies is NOT effective. Make sure that your people understand why you are emphasizing statements that are both clear and respectful.
Walk Your Talk: If leaders don’t model respectful as well as useful conversation, your training will be for naught. While you shouldn’t hesitate to encourage a friendly and fun environment, make sure that you know the rules and follow them.
For more tips on effective communication and harassment prevention read the following:
Harassment Prevention: Is it the Individual or the Culture? Does One-on-One Sensitivity Training Work?
Leadership Communication: How Do You Rate?
Why #MeToo Won’t Die and What to Do
What Do You Think?
What are the most effective workplace conversations you’ve experienced or witnessed? Call or write us at: 303-216-1020 or Lynne@workplacesthatwork.com
Did You Know
All our leadership and management classes focus on fairness for managers and executives. Call or write us at: 303-216-1020 or Lynne@workplacesthatwork.com
Learn more about our training offerings and check out our team members at: www.workplacesthatwork.com
Read Lynne’s books “We Need to Talk — Tough Conversations with Your Employee” and “We Need to Talk — Tough Conversations with Your Boss”and learn to tackle any topic with sensitivity and smarts.