How You and Those You Lead Can Have a Happy New Year! |
Happy New Year at work! It may be hard for you to face coming back to work or you may be dying to escape back into the office after the din of vacationing kids and family. Either way, I think we would all agree that we are more productive when we are happy and that our associates are also. So here's to making sure that everyone has a more productive 2017.
We may think that happiness is a mystery and that we can't control what happens to us - especially at work - but brain scientists have actually studied what makes people happy and come to some surprising answers.
"We're actually happiest when we're most focused and engaged"
For a quick fix, spend four minutes right now going to Pharrell Williams' music video of the song "Happy".
Even if you're one of the 44 million+ people who've seen it, you'd have to be a total Grinch not to smile while you're watching it.
Created by Matt Killingsworth as a part of his doctoral research at Harvard, the tracker both helps you keep track of what makes you happy, as well as contributes to scientific research about what makes life worth living.
Track Your Happiness wants to help you find out what actually makes you happy. When you sign up, the app begins asking general questions like "How satisfied are you with your life as a whole?" Then it moves on to the specifics, periodically sending you questions about what you're doing, how you feel, and whether or not you actually want to be doing the task at hand. Eventually, once it has collected enough data, Track Your Happiness sends you an automated report that not only explains when you're happiest, but provides information about the possible causes of your happiness.
The app is totally free and doesn't bombard you with spam. After analyzing thousands of participants in his research, Killingsworth has made one interesting finding of note for the workplace: daydreaming does not work! While you might think you're doing yourself a favor by taking a break from a boring task, what this researcher has discovered is that we're actually happiest when we're most focused and engaged, even if it's work we dislike and want to avoid. Food for thought in the new year.
Did You Know?
All of our workshops and consulting projects focus on what helps make the people
you lead more happy and productive at work. For more information, call or write us at: 303-216-1020 or [email protected]
Read Lynne's book "Stop Pissing Me Off!" to learn what to do when the people you work with drive you crazy.
3985 Wonderland Hill | Suite 106 | Boulder, CO 80304