Think Effective Harassment Training is Too Expensive? Ask Fox About Spending $60 Million
That's on top of the $40 million Fox already shelled out to Ailes under his contract when he was forced to leave after harassment allegations surfaced from Carlson and a host of other current and former Fox anchors.
Perhaps not so coincidently, the network also announced the abrupt departure of longtime anchor Greta Van Susteren today. While there may be no link between these events, Van Susteren had initially dismissed Carlson's claims against Ailes and the network's new leaders have emphasized that they want to champion a cultural change.
So having a culture that tolerates harassment has cost the network at least $60 million, not to mention attorneys' fees that most likely also ran in the millions for the investigation and settlement negotiations, as well as the internal productivity costs and the loss of value to the Fox "brand."
Smart employers, of course, always want to avoid such cataclysmic events and the resulting expensive PR nightmares. They do so by creating cultures of respect and inclusion and investing in training that educates managers and staff on how to deal with people effectively on these issues.
"Presentations need to be interactive, engaging
and long enough to create real learning"
What Should You Do?
While we're always preaching training, training, training, make sure that any training you provide is effective. What that means is that presentations need to be interactive, engaging and long enough to create real learning. We recently presented a workshop for a new client on harassment topics who was impressed and surprised to learn that these kinds of topics could be presented in such a lively manner and that participants could have such a positive response to a topic that's usually viewed with dread.
Did You Know?
Both managers and employees rate our workshops on an average of 4.7 or above on a 5 point scale on markers such as whether we're able to make our presentations interesting and relevant to their jobs.
For more information, call or write us at: 303-216-1020 or [email protected]
Be sure to read Lynne's helpful books on how to handle tough conversations with employees
and sexual harassment.
3985 Wonderland Hill | Suite 106 | Boulder, CO 80304