Why Make Sure Your People Are Happy at Work?

Worthy Work: I attended the memorial service for a good friend’s father recently and was moved by the recitation of his significant life. He was a force in the drive for African independence, an author of numerous books, a respected professor and tireless advocate for civil rights. Clearly, he lived a worthwhile life and worked with purpose and engagement.
Most Workers Are Disengaged: Sadly, most of us are not so lucky. Gallup studies consistently show that only 30% of workers report being engaged with their work, while one in five are actively disengaged, practicing backstabbing and sabotage.
Why Happiness Matters: Studies consistently show that happier workers are more productive, interact more effectively with customers and stay with one employer longer.
What Should You Do?
Research shows that three things lead to greater happiness at work.
1) Vision: If people see a vision for the future and know how they fit into the vision of the organization, they are happier. Make sure that your staff knows both your strategy, as well as where they fit.
2) Sense of Purpose: Most people want to feel as if their work matters and that their contribution helped achieve some significant goal. As a leader, take the time to acknowledge the way in which individual people helped achieve something important.
3) Great Relationships: The old rubric is true: people join organizations and leave bosses. Do whatever it takes to create good relationships with your staff and make sure that you don’t ignore simmering conflicts among your people. You can send them to conflict or emotional intelligence training if they need that help, mediate disputes, offer them books or downloads on people skills, but emphasize that playing well with others is in their job description. One way or another they need to gain good relationship skills and if they can’t, you need to move them out of the organization.

What Do You Think?
Are happier workers more productive? Call or write us at: 303-216-1020 or Lynne@workplacesthatwork.com
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